The Best Setup for Pompano Surf Fishing Anglers target Pompano using two methods of fishing: spiked fishing and active fishing. Spiked fishing is where the angler casts a line out and sets the rod in...
Tight Lines and High Tides
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How to select the best surf fishing rod When selecting a surf rod you need to identify the right combination of length, power, and action that best fits your needs. Finding the best surf...
How to build up Surf Fishing spots Having the proper bait and tackle are certainly important and a key factors in their success. However, the perfect selection of bait and tackle will get you...
About 55-75 yards is the average max casting distance for most anglers. If you're not quite there yet, this range should be achievable with most rod/reel combos and some practice. You can also learn...
What bait should I use for Surf Fishing? Selecting the right bait for surf fishing can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. If you put in no effort and hit the surf ill prepared...
For optimum taste, you should first kill and bleed the fish, then immediately store in a saltwater ice brine. If you don't have ice, your best bet is keeping the fish alive. Read below for more...