The primary method of recreational fishing in Florida involves a rod, line, and hook which is categorized under "Hook and Line Gear" by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC)....
Tight Lines and High Tides
Florida's Saltwater Fishing Resource
Florida's Saltwater Fishing Resource
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Based on research through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Marine Fishery Division regulations, there is no specific rule that limits the amount of rods that can be fished with...
A couple years ago, I created my first "go bag", as I like to call it. It was for paddle boarding and it was full of everything I would need for a day of paddleboarding (minus food and drink). The...
When surf fishing on the coast of Florida I regularly hear "I don't have a surf rod. Can I fish with my smaller 6ft or 7ft rods instead?" The simple answer to this question is YES, as long as the rod...
The key word here is NEED. There are only a few items that is absolutely needed in order to get out on the water to start catching fish. These must have items needed for surf fishing include: a rod;...
What is the Best knife for Surf Fishing? There isn't one knife that will adequately solve all the cutting needs of the surf fisherman. There is no such thing as the mythical "one knife to rule...